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School of Architecture Courses


DSGN 1010 Research + Analysis
Research + Analysis
onstruct the theoretical concepts, research, and methodology for their upcoming design thesis project in the spring semester. Emphasis is on each student's individual preparation for their final project, as guided through regular consultations with a thesis director, and through an acquaintance with other students' progress. During the fall, students undertake the documentation, development and analysis of precedents, site, program, and technologies specific to their thesis and research topics as well as a set of strategies and methodologies that will direct their design projects. As a part of the preparation for their final thesis projects, students will also take an advanced level seminar in history/theory, technology, urban design or digital media concurrent with thesis research. The topics of these advanced classes will support the focus areas of thesis, research and integrated studios offered in each year. For the completion of 510, each student produces a substantial document consisting of a thesis precis, thorough documentation of the student's individual research, the comprehensive development of an architectural program and site analysis, a proposed methodological framework consistent with the thesis research to guide the design process, and an annotated bibliography.
Co-requisites: (Advanced architectural elective in the student's area of research).
credit hours: 3

DSGN 1020 Design Studio
Design Studio
In the spring semester of fifth year, following the fall semester of research and analysis, is the design, detail development, and full presentation and documentation of the final thesis project. In all of the curricular streams for the final project, independence and responsibility are encouraged and supported by the thesis instructor, a faculty member available in regular studio sessions. Public presentation and a juried review of the thesis projects at the end of the second semester allows for the assessment of student accomplishments, both individually and collectively.
Co-requisites: (Advanced architectural elective in the student's area of research).
credit hours: 3

DSGN 1100 Architecture Design Studio
Architecture Design Studio
As an introduction to the basic fundamental methods and principles of architectural design, students are given an immediate experience of the design process, developing their capacity to conceive, manipulate and analyze architectural form and space. An emphasis on verbal skills, and graphic and material techniques for architectural representation, enable students to express and communicate their ideas. The studio develops the students' capacity for critical thinking through constructive evaluation.
credit hours: 4

DSGN 1200 Architecture Design Studio
Architecture Design Studio
As an introduction to the basic fundamental methods and principles of architectural design, students are given an immediate experience of the design process, developing their capacity to conceive, manipulate and analyze architectural form and space. An emphasis on verbal skills, and graphic and material techniques for architectural representation, enable students to express and communicate their ideas. The studio develops the students' capacity for critical thinking through constructive evaluation.
credit hours: 4

DSGN 2100 Architecture Design Studio
Architecture Design Studio
Second year studio concentrates on developed architectural form and design methodologies through processes of analysis, synthesis and transformation. Students work on the conceptual frameworks for their designs, with emphasis on issues of environmental context, urban design, and cultural and technological systems and their impact on architectural form. Different approaches to the making of form are investigated, along with principles of organization, such as spatial hierarchy, circulation, structure, and site relationships. Second semester will emphasize the relationship of design to cultural precedents, site conditions, programs, and material tectonics through the study of housing. Second year studios will be fully integrated with digital media classes to ensure that students gain fluency in computer aided design processes, drawing, spatial modeling and digital design techniques.
credit hours: 6

DSGN 2200 Architecture Design Studio
Architecture Design Studio
Second year studio concentrates on developed architectural form and design methodologies through processes of analysis, synthesis and transformation. Students work on the conceptual frameworks for their designs, with emphasis on issues of environmental context, urban design, and cultural and technological systems and their impact on architectural form. Different approaches to the making of form are investigated, along with principles of organization, such as spatial hierarchy, circulation, structure, and site relationships. Second semester will emphasize the relationship of design to cultural precedents, site conditions, programs, and material tectonics through the study of housing. Second year studios will be fully integrated with digital media classes to ensure that students gain fluency in computer aided design processes, drawing, spatial modeling and digital design techniques.
credit hours: 6

DSGN 3100 Architecture Design Studio
Architecture Design Studio
The first semester of third year will introduce students to urbanism and the city, focusing on the larger environmental context for architectural design. The second semester of third year is the culmination of the required studio sequence and is fully integrated with coursework in history/theory, technology, visual/digital media and professional concerns. Architecture 320 provides an opportunity for the student to synthesize the skills and ideas developed through two and a half years of work and apply these to the comprehensive development of a design project. Students will engage in a complex architectural project situated within an urban environment. The studio will include analysis and design at the scale of the neighborhood or the city, as well as thorough and detailed design of a large building with a complex program. Emphasis is placed on a comprehensive process including the thorough analysis of site issues and architectural precedents, detailed design development of the project, and the coordination and integration of structural, environmental and material systems in the design-work. Students will also develop skills in programming, building information modeling and management, digital fabrication methods and the production of complex digital models and working drawings through fully integrated coursework which will act as a support for the design process.
credit hours: 6

DSGN 3200 Architecture Design Studio
Architecture Design Studio
The first semester of third year will introduce students to urbanism and the city, focusing on the larger environmental context for architectural design. The second semester of third year is the culmination of the required studio sequence and is fully integrated with coursework in history/theory, technology, visual/digital media and professional concerns. Architecture 320 provides an opportunity for the student to synthesize the skills and ideas developed through two and a half years of work and apply these to the comprehensive development of a design project. Students will engage in a complex architectural project situated within an urban environment. The studio will include analysis and design at the scale of the neighborhood or the city, as well as thorough and detailed design of a large building with a complex program. Emphasis is placed on a comprehensive process including the thorough analysis of site issues and architectural precedents, detailed design development of the project, and the coordination and integration of structural, environmental and material systems in the design-work. Students will also develop skills in programming, building information modeling and management, digital fabrication methods and the production of complex digital models and working drawings through fully integrated coursework which will act as a support for the design process.
credit hours: 9

DSGN 4100 Advanced Elective Design Studios
Advanced Elective Design Studios
Once having completed the core comprehensive design curriculum in the first three years, in the fourth year students are encouraged to engage the city, both locally and globally, by taking one design studio at the Tulane City Center, and a second studio either as part of a semester abroad travel program or as an advanced elective studio. TCC studios, such as URBANbuild, will range in focus from urban design and landscape issues to housing and design-build. These studios, which provide a larger context for architecture, will introduce students to real projects that engage the fabric of the city while emphasizing the importance of professional service and social responsibility. In travel abroad programs (refer to section on International Study) students will have the opportunity to study architecture within foreign environmental contexts, to explore cities and individual buildings as complex cultural artifacts. Advanced elective studios, taught by both fulltime and visiting faculty, offer a range of topics and projects which explore a variety of architectural issues and areas of research. Students choose elective studios that suit their interests, needs and goals, in order to focus their studies while gaining experience within a broader cultural and disciplinary field. This concentration develops areas of expertise beneficial to future professional growth.
credit hours: 6

DSGN 4200 Advanced Elective Design Studios
Advanced Elective Design Studios
Once having completed the core comprehensive design curriculum in the first three years, in the fourth year students are encouraged to engage the city, both locally and globally, by taking one design studio at the Tulane City Center, and a second studio either as part of a semester abroad travel program or as an advanced elective studio. TCC studios, such as URBANbuild, will range in focus from urban design and landscape issues to housing and design-build. These studios, which provide a larger context for architecture, will introduce students to real projects that engage the fabric of the city while emphasizing the importance of professional service and social responsibility. In travel abroad programs (refer to section on International Study) students will have the opportunity to study architecture within foreign environmental contexts, to explore cities and individual buildings as complex cultural artifacts. Advanced elective studios, taught by both fulltime and visiting faculty, offer a range of topics and projects which explore a variety of architectural issues and areas of research. Students choose elective studios that suit their interests, needs and goals, in order to focus their studies while gaining experience within a broader cultural and disciplinary field. This concentration develops areas of expertise beneficial to future professional growth.
credit hours: 6

DSGN 5100 Master of Architecture Thesis
Master of Architecture Thesis
The final degree project is the culmination of the architectural design curriculum and the capstone project for architecture students. Students undertake one of three streams for their final research and design project: Thesis Studio, Research Studio or an Advanced Integrated Studio. Students who elect to do an independent Thesis Studio must fulfill specific academic requirements (see section on policy), have prepared a thesis proposal by the beginning of the fall semester, and have approval for this proposal by the thesis directors. Independent Research Theses may also be undertaken by those students who have a demonstrated record of academic excellence (with a cumulative and design grade point average of 3.6-4.0), and have prepared a research proposal approved in advance both by a faculty sponsor and the thesis directors. Each of the curricular streams for the Master of Architecture Thesis will consist of DSGN 510: Thesis Research + Analysis and DSGN 520: Thesis Design Studio.
credit hours: 6

DSGN 5200 Master of Architecture Thesis
Master of Architecture Thesis
The final degree project is the culmination of the architectural design curriculum and the capstone project for architecture students. Students undertake one of three streams for their final research and design project: Thesis Studio, Research Studio or an Advanced Integrated Studio. Students who elect to do an independent Thesis Studio must fulfill specific academic requirements (see section on policy), have prepared a thesis proposal by the beginning of the fall semester, and have approval for this proposal by the thesis directors. Independent Research Theses may also be undertaken by those students who have a demonstrated record of academic excellence (with a cumulative and design grade point average of 3.6-4.0), and have prepared a research proposal approved in advance both by a faculty sponsor and the thesis directors. Each of the curricular streams for the Master of Architecture Thesis will consist of DSGN 510: Thesis Research + Analysis and DSGN 520: Thesis Design Studio.
credit hours: 6

AHST 1010 History of Architecture I-Survey
History of Architecture I-Survey
A critical introduction to the history of architecture and urbanism. This course provides a chronological and comparative introduction to the cultural, aesthetic, technological and socio-political dimensions of architecture as investigated through the evolution of buildings and cities, from the ancient settlements of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, to the globalized metropolises of today. Individual works of architecture and their creators are emphasized in order to examine the roles that buildings play in shaping human interactions and the ways in which they record human cultural aspirations and achievements.
credit hours: 3

AHST 1100 History of Architecture I-Survey
History of Architecture I-Survey
A critical introduction to the history of architecture and urbanism. This course provides a chronological and comparative introduction to the cultural, aesthetic, technological and socio-political dimensions of architecture as investigated through the evolution of buildings and cities, from the ancient settlements of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, to the globalized metropolises of today. Individual works of architecture and their creators are emphasized in order to examine the roles that buildings play in shaping human interactions and the ways in which they record human cultural aspirations and achievements.
credit hours: 3

AHST 3010 History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism I
History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism I
Discover the foundation and evolution of architectural tradition in this survey course, starting with prehistoric developments in Europe and continuing through the medieval period. This course is global in focus, including both Western and non-Western developments. The survey highlights a variety of aspects of the built environment such as architecture, urban settlements and landscapes. Coursework investigates monumental civic architecture, religious structures, as well as domestic buildings, the urban form, and architectural theory.
credit hours: 3

AHST 3020 History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism II
History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism II
The course covers the period from the Enlightenment through the early-Modern and high-Modern periods. While the course will emphasize the late-eighteenth (Enlightenment) creation of canonical pedagogies and strategies as foundational texts, it will also include nineteenth-century urbanism and landscapes, both of which condition the formation of material culture in the early- and mid-twentieth centuries. The course is written expressly for students of architecture; we will concentrate not only on the identification and formation of urban artifacts, buildings, architects, and movements, but also on the social, political, and historical context surrounding their genesis and development. The course material is presented according to successive themes, thereby facilitating not only an emphasis on the artifacts and their context, but also on the discourse that supports architecture as a discipline. These themes provide insight into the various motivations and ideas, upon which the history of Modern Architecture rests. In presenting the material in this manner, it is hoped that students will understand that history--in particular the history embedded in the material of architecture--indeed resonates through time, becoming relevant and vital to the genesis and formation of current and future architectural discourse.
credit hours: 3

AHST 3300 Islamic Architecture
Islamic Architecture
The seminar examines architecture and urbanism in Muslim lands, emphasizing the 7th to the 16th centuries. Selected building types – the mosque, the palace, the tomb, and the garden - will be analyzed in detail in the context of regional traditions in, for example, Iran, Turkey, Spain, and India. The course also will investigate issues in the relationship between architecture and ornament, and between tradition and modernity.
credit hours: 3

AHST 3410 American Urbanism
American Urbanism
An examination of the ideas behind the forms of American cities in the 21st century. Introductory lectures outline aspects of American city planning history. Students present two illustrated lectures to the class on a topic chosen with the instructor.
credit hours: 3

AHST 4100 Issues in Contemporary Architecture
Issues in Contemporary Architecture
This course will trace and examine some of the most critical bodies of theory that have influenced the development of contemporary architectural thought and practice since the late 1960s. These ideas and theoretical systems emerging from disciplines external to architecture, form a larger interdisciplinary field, within which architecture is situated and against which its practices gain a certain coherence and cultural validity, while also providing external material for the inventive transformation of architectural knowledge and practices.
credit hours: 3

AHST 4110 Theorizing the Real in Contemporary Practice
Theorizing the Real in Contemporary Practice
The course focuses upon selected works of three noted and influential contemporary practices - Koolhaas, Machado and Silvetti, Moneo, and in particular on the way that each understands the idea of the real as a guiding and originary idea in architecture. Significantly, each of the three practices operates cross-culturally, drawing attention to the frictions among ideas of regionalism and global culture, universal modernity and local tectonics. Equally significantly, 161 these practices are recognized for their theoretical writing as well as for their projects, enabling comparative analysis within the practice itself.
credit hours: 3

AHST 4120 Theory and Anti-theory in Contemporary Practice
Theory and Anti-theory in Contemporary Practice
The relationship of theory and practice shapes architectural production. The course focuses on interfaces between theories of architecture proposed this century from within the profession by practitioners and those proposed from without by philosophers, artists, poets, filmmakers, and scientists, among others. One of the goals of the course will be to examine the interconnected roles that theory and practice play in establishing architecture as a critical cultural activity.
credit hours: 3

AHST 4400 Philosophy of Architecture
Philosophy of Architecture
This seminar begins with a consideration of philosophy as a foundation for the development of an architectural theory. After a discussion of some basic concepts and terms we sketch a broad outline of the categories and organization of the discipline of philosophy. We then study the rationalist and empiricist positions in architectural theory, the emergence of Kantian critical philosophy, the shift in emphasis in 20th century philosophy from epistemology to ontology that is characteristic of Existentialism, and the late 20th century attack on traditional epistemology characteristic of poststructuralism. We then discuss the emergence of literary theory as a paradigmatic discipline in the last 30 years as well as the expansion of western philosophy to include aspects of Zen Buddhism, Taoism, and eastern mystical traditions. With this foundation, the course focuses more specifically on theories of architecture and aesthetics and their relationships to various philosophical positions.
credit hours: 3

AHST 4500 Northern Romanticism in Art and Architecture
Northern Romanticism in Art and Architecture
This seminar studies issues associated with the Romantic spirit as they are experienced in contemporary art and architecture. Conditions such as the mystical underpinnings of romanticism, nature and the sublime, the intuitive, religion and the spirit, the definition of artist/architect, the longing for death, the meaning of feelings, utopias, paradise lost (and found) and the object of art are treated as fundamental aspects of modernity and the modern mind.
credit hours: 3

AHST 4530 Survey of Russian Art
Survey of Russian Art
An introduction to the art and architecture of Russia from the 12th century to the present. The first part of the course deals with the medieval period (church architecture, icons, frescos); the second part begins with the assimilation of Western European styles during the 17th century and concludes with a survey of developments in the Soviet Union.
credit hours: 3

AHST 4630 Sexual Subjectivity and Space
Sexual Subjectivity and Space
This seminar focuses on the relationship between sexual subjectivity and the construction of space. The outlining of potential intersections between contemporary feminist thought and architectural practice, this course critically examines the presumed sex/gender neutrality of architectural ideology and representation while simultaneously investigating formation of a critical, transformative and affirmative feminist space. (cross registered with Women Studies)
credit hours: 3

AHST 6300 Representing Culture and Ethnicity in the Public Sphere
Representing Culture and Ethnicity in the Public Sphere
What is public space? How is culture and ethnicity represented in the city? This seminar will explore ideas and forms of public space and public life in the city in their manifestations - civic, social, religious, formal and informal, official and unofficial, licit and illicit - primarily, but not exclusively in the United States and Latin America. The seminar also focuses on ephemeral architecture and events (i.e. world's fairs, parades, protests, monuments and public art), which have been essential in constructing ideas about citizenship and community, and which have been employed to communicate the existence of culturally- and ethnically-based publics. The aim is to present a better understanding of the physical landscape of the public city, the particular ways that spaces foster inclusion and exclusion in urban public life, and, conversely, how various ideas of the public shape urban space. The readings for the course include historical and theoretical works on the idea of the public, and works of architecture, art and planning, and they are drawn from a wide range of disciplines, including architecture, urban studies, art, social history, anthropology, material culture studies, geography and cultural criticism.
credit hours: 3

AHST 6310 Housing in the 20th Century
Housing in the 20th Century
This course is an introduction to the physical and theoretical issues surrounding the creation of multi-family housing during the 20th century. The course is a seminar following the chronological sequence of development in housing ideas throughout the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. Concepts in housing are discussed academically and then experiments in implementation are perused and discussed. These experiments are offered as short exercises throughout the course and form part of the basis of evaluation.
credit hours: 3

AHST 6320 Other Modernisms: The Avant-Garde in The Tropics
Other Modernisms: The Avant-Garde in The Tropics
This seminar is an introduction to the field of Latin American modern architecture and will introduce students to projects that range from newly constructed cities like Brasilia to avant-garde experimental projects like Mathias Georitz's El Eco in Mexico City. Focusing on various themes (nationalism, internationalism, tropicalism, utopianism, etc.), the seminar introduces key terms and examples in the built environment. Latin American modern architecture presents alternative examples - other modernisms - to the mainstream modern projects of the United States and Europe. The notion of the avant-garde in the tropics suggests a critique of how the tropics has often been treated as a synechdoche, as a representation of all of Latin America. A critical reconsideration of the tropics will occur as we study modern Latin American architecture's specific thematic currents.
credit hours: 3

AHST 6400 Rethinking Anthropomorphism: Body Maps + Architectural Spaces
Rethinking Anthropomorphism: Body Maps + Architectural Spaces
This seminar focuses on the constitutive and mutually defining relations between the human body and architecture and the shifting theoretical frame that has governed the development of their relations. From the Vitruvian body to Le Corbusier's Modular Man and technologically machined ergonomic bodies of modern architecture, there has always existed a coordination between variant cultural and theoretical constructions of the body and changing spatial and architectural models. Although the emphasis of this seminar will be on more recent conceptions of the body-architecture relation - how we understand, represent and inhabit the body and hence, how we conceptualize, construct and inhabit space - it will also provide a historical/theoretical context, against which these newer models might be investigated and developed.
credit hours: 0

AHST 6610 History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism I
History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism I
Discover the foundation and evolution of architectural tradition in this survey course, starting with prehistoric developments in Europe and continuing through the medieval period. This course is global in focus, including both Western and non-Western developments. The survey highlights a variety of aspects of the built environment such as architecture, urban settlements and landscapes. Coursework investigates monumental civic architecture, religious structures, as well as domestic buildings, the urban form, and architectural theory.
credit hours: 3

AHST 6620 History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism II
History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism II
The course covers the period from the Enlightenment through the early-Modern and high-Modern periods. While the course will emphasize the late-eighteenth (Enlightenment) creation of canonical pedagogies and strategies as foundational texts, it will also include nineteenth-century urbanism and landscapes, both of which condition the formation of material culture in the early- and mid-twentieth centuries. The course is written expressly for students of architecture; we will concentrate not only on the identification and formation of urban artifacts, buildings, architects, and movements, but also on the social, political, and historical context surrounding their genesis and development. The course material is presented according to successive themes, thereby facilitating not only an emphasis on the artifacts and their context, but also on the discourse that supports architecture as a discipline. These themes provide insight into the various motivations and ideas, upon which the history of Modern Architecture rests. In presenting the material in this manner, it is hoped that students will understand that history--in particular the history embedded in the material of architecture--indeed resonates through time, becoming relevant and vital to the genesis and formation of current and future architectural discourse.
credit hours: 3

AHST 6910 Latin American Cities
Latin American Cities
A study of the development of the major cities of Latin America and particularly on the role that architecture and urbanism played in creating images of colonial power and, later, urban modernity. Emphasizes selected Latin American cities that have experienced significant immigration after 1880 and in which questions of cultural identity have loomed large: Havana, Mexico City, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile, Lima, San Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires.
credit hours: 3

ADGM 1200 Digital Media I: Digital Drawing and Visualization
Digital Media I: Digital Drawing and Visualization
An introductory course to digital visualization techniques with a focus on graphic representation, 2D drawing, digital photography, and graphic design for portfolio development. Students will be introduced to graphic software such as Photoshop, illustrator, and InDesign in order to develop technical and visual proficiencies to be integrated into the architectural design process.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 120.
credit hours: 2

ADGM 3100 Digital Media II: Introduction to CAD/Spatial Modeling
Digital Media II: Introduction to CAD/Spatial Modeling
An introductory course to 3D digital media concepts and techniques with a focus on the fundamental aspects of the Computer Aided Design process. Framed by a general introduction to digital media theory, students will gain fluency in a variety of software applications for the purpose of expanding the architectural design process. Specific emphasis is placed on the role of the computer as a tool for analysis, spatial investigation, and representation. Basic 3D modeling software such as AutoCad, Form.z and Rhino, will constitute the majority of course content.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 210.
credit hours: 3

ADGM 3200 Digital Media III: Advanced Modeling and Digital Design Techniques
Digital Media III: Advanced Modeling and Digital Design Techniques
Moving beyond the notion of digital media as mere representation, this course seeks to engage 3D digital tools as generative processes in design. The course will be structured around three main components: technical skills, theoretical context, and design methodology. Through processes such as hybridization and emergence, students will develop design techniques while integrating practical notions of structure, skin, and perforation. Students will expand their knowledge of spatial modeling in digital media, and learn to render, animate, and create technical drawings through Form.z, Rhino and Maya. The course will also focus on contemporary architectural practices and their use of digital tools and techniques through the investigation of critical case studies.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 220.
credit hours: 3

ADGM 4100 Digital Media IV: Digital Fabrication
Digital Media IV: Digital Fabrication
An introductory course to digital fabrication technologies such as 3D printing, CNC milling and laser cutting. Students will learn about the relationship between detail design and new technologies for modeling, prototype development and fabrication.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 320.
credit hours: 3

ADGM 6100 Advanced Digital Media
Advanced Digital Media
An advanced digital media course focusing on parametric geometry modeling and advanced animation techniques. The course will introduce both 2D and 3D form generation methodology as a way of exploring a co-authored design process. Contemporary digital theory will frame various investigations into issues of complexity, iteration, patterning and surface modulation.
credit hours: 3

ADGM 6110 Advanced Techniques in Digital Representation
Advanced Techniques in Digital Representation
The class will explore various methods for organizing 3D model information and extracting and producing clear 2D data/drawings from the 3D database. The course will involve constructing and presenting geometrically complex 3 dimensional models and the transformation of these models into construction and fabrication drawings. Students will be expected to already have ACAD and 3d modeling skills. The class will be a combination of lab work, class lectures, and presentations.
Pre-requistites: 310 Digital Media I or 320 Digital Media II or equivalent computer drawing and modeling skills: 2D: ACAD; 3D: RHINO, Maya or For
credit hours: 3

ADGM 6200 Advanced Digital Fabrication
Advanced Digital Fabrication
This course is devoted to the design and fabrication of a structure/space using digital fabrication technologies such as 3D printing, CNC milling and laser cutting. The course will focus on the design, development of construction of a full scale prototype using digital techniques for analysis and fabrication, focusing on the transition between computer modeling and its materialization.
credit hours: 3

ADGM 6300 Theories in Digital Media
Theories in Digital Media
This course is devoted to the reading and analysis of key theoretical and critical texts of the recent past related to digital media and information age technology. The focus of the course is the conceptual and formal ideas associated with computation, their application and development.
credit hours: 3

LNSP 3300 Natural Landscape and Built Form
Natural Landscape and Built Form
An approach to the understanding of the interrelationships of man, nature, culture and technology, and the resultant built environment. Each semester the course focuses on a distinct region, emphasizing local flora, fauna, and climatic considerations in relationship with native, imported and evolving culture. Classes focus on design issues that integrate plant materials in built environment contexts.
credit hours: 3

LNSP 3400 Site Planning
Site Planning
This course is a study and exploration into the art and science of site planning and its integration with architecture. Emphasis will concentrate equally on aesthetic and technical issues, and their resolution through design. Class focus will be on the development of a technical knowledge base for use in site planning and design decisions along with an expansion of the students' sensitivity to observation, experiencing and understanding of the site.
credit hours: 3

LNSP 4300 Landscape and Modern Architecture
Landscape and Modern Architecture
This course addresses the interconnectedness of landscape and architecture. Recognizing the identity of both landscape and architecture as constructed territories, and challenging the common conception of landscapes as the backdrop for buildings, Landscape + Modern Architecture will offers a critical framework for the re-conceptualization of the limits of architectural practice at the building's edge.
credit hours: 3

LNSP 4400 Material Topographies and Architectural Landscapes
Material Topographies and Architectural Landscapes
An exploration of the complex relationships that exist between architecture and the material landscapes that constitutes its site that encompassing outer territory that defines the context within which architecture is situated and grounded, and against which it is seemingly defined. The course will specifically focus on the relation of architecture to the environment, calling into question the tools and techniques architects have employed to map, document and analyze site conditions, and the built objects produced.
credit hours: 3

PRST 6410 US Preservation Field Studies and Advocacy
US Preservation Field Studies and Advocacy
This course will examine preservation advocacy, using field trips and guest lecturers. Students will learn about methods for the application of historic preservation law and practice within the United States and its effects. Speakers and site visits will represent a range of constituencies from citizens leading grass-roots advocacy efforts to save buildings or neighborhoods to the work of local organizations, to the work of state and federal organizations. Field trips to local organizations will likely include the Preservation Resource Center, the Pitot House, Felicity Street Redevelopment, Tulane City Center, the State Historic Preservation Office in Baton Rouge, and the annual conference of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Field Studies in North America course requires participation at an annual national historic preservation conference in the United States or Canada such those conducted by the US National Trust for Historic Preservation, the International Association of Preservation Technology or the US/International Council on Monuments and Sites.
credit hours: 3

PRST 6420 Field Studies-Latin America
Field Studies-Latin America
credit hours: 3

PRST 6510 Building Preservation Studio
Building Preservation Studio
This studio is the beginning orientation course that examines all aspects of preservation concerns related to the individual building or group of buildings. The student will learn how to analyze the condition of the building(s) and its (their) context. The studio will examine the differences between building stabilization, adaptive reuse, renovation and restoration. A travel and research component will use real life experiences to illustrate the interdisciplinary nature of preservation in the Americas. An internship in an area of personal choice (such as house museum, community action organization, governmental agency, heritage education or community renewal program) will be developed during this studio.
credit hours: 6

PRST 6520 Studio in Environmental Conservation
Studio in Environmental Conservation
Students will do extensive field work to learn analysis, documentation, interpretation and the techniques required for neighborhood, community and general environmental renewal. Basic land use controls, urban design and planning components and developmental alternatives as related to preservation and conservation concerns will be investigated. The role played by landscape and natural systems will be investigated as they relate to the evolution and future opportunities of both rural and urban contexts.
credit hours: 6

PRST 6530 Internship
A sixty hour internship with an approved preservation agency such as the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans, the South Eastern Architecture Archive at Tulane, the NEW Orleans Historic District Landmarks Commission, the Vieux Carre Commission, the Historic New Orleans Collection or some similar entity will provide the student with hands on experience, research opportunities, archival work, public service and heritage education opportunities. The internship can be performed at anytime during the course of academic studies. It will require a contract that defines the activities of the internship and a letter of successful completion from the Director of the chosen agency. The internship will be coordinated by the Director of the Preservation Studies Program and an adviser.
credit hours: 1

PRST 6610 History of Architecture of the Americas I
History of Architecture of the Americas I
This course will investigate the Pre-Columbian world of the Americas through the Colonial Period. Landscape, decorative arts and furniture will be surveyed. Design, theory, and their influences will be considered. The course will utilize examples of preservation and conservation projects to illustrate the changes in architectural styles over time and the special issues and challenges that have been created. Individual and group projects and reports will develop public presentation skills.
credit hours: 3

PRST 6620 History of the Architecture of the Americas II
History of the Architecture of the Americas II
This course will focus on the natural and built world of the Americas during the 19th and 20th centuries. Pattern books, interior design, landscape, and urban design theories will be investigated through careful studies of preservation and conservation. Group discussion and individual presentation of research projects will allow the student to integrate their research findings in a public format.
credit hours: 3

PRST 6710 Introduction to Preservation Studies
Introduction to Preservation Studies
Through this course, the history of the preservation movement in the Americas will be studied to understand the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical concepts and ideas that will render the physical activity of restoration valid. Values and attitudes of the various cultural groups and settings in the Americas will be reviewed. The role played by preservation philosophies and theories of European and Oriental context will be studied.
credit hours: 3

PRST 6720 Preservation Technology
Preservation Technology
This course will study the highly complex construction methods and systems ranging from traditional rammed earth systems, sun dried bricks, fired bricks, stone and wood, to the new materials developed since the industrial revolution (i.e., iron and steel, reinforced concrete, petrochemical based materials). Understanding the process of procuring construction materials and production, will allow the student to understand the process of deterioration which eventually leads to the need of understanding Preservation Technology.
credit hours: 3

PRST 6900 Practicum
The Practicum for the Master of Preservation Studies program is an alternative option to the Thesis requirement an important part of the MPS course of study. The Practicum is expected to be a concentrated and valuable work experience that the student chooses that must relate to the field of historic preservation. Its accomplishment must entail 480 hours (three months, full-time) unpaid work with an organization. There is wide scope with regard to the possible organizations and locations for students to pursue their practicum experience. With prior approval, students may receive a small stipend or honorarium. Organization of the Practicum experience is the student’s responsibility and must be done in cooperation with the organization that invites your participation and your advisor.
credit hours: 6

PRST 6920 Preservation Thesis
Preservation Thesis
The Thesis for the MSP program is a major course within the MPS program since it calls upon most of what a student has learned during his or her graduate school experience. There is wide scope with regard to possible topic choices and the location of a thesis subject can be anywhere, although if your thesis is site-specific you must have some first hand knowledge of the place by the end of the preceding semester. The thesis topic must relate to the field of historic preservation and its contents should be based mostly on primary research.
credit hours: 6

APEC 4100 Professional Concerns I: The Context Of Practice
Professional Concerns I: The Context Of Practice
An overview of professional concerns through examination of the history of the profession and the activities, services, markets, clients, and organization of professional firms. Issues relating to project management, marketing, and the economic base of architectural practice, as well as ethical issues confronting individual practitioners and the profession at large.
credit hours: 3

APEC 4200 Professional Concerns II: Advanced Project Management: (BIM) Building Information Modeling and Architectural Programming
Professional Concerns II: Advanced Project Management: (BIM) Building Information Modeling and Architectural Programming
Issues of practice management, including topics in building programming, project management and the management of information systems and software related to building such as BIM or Building Information Modeling. This approach to design process documentation and development of construction documents is currently the main focus of most of the developers of CAD systems for the profession. The principal idea behind the use of BIM based systems is the embedding of relevant information in parametric modeling systems. This allows the designer to track aspects of the design process ranging from fabrication and manufacturing information to physical properties to related spec data to detailing requirements to cost estimating.
Co-requisites: DSGN 302.
credit hours: 3

APEC 4910 Architectural Branding
Architectural Branding
This seminar intends to analyze current trends in marketing and design through studying current media sources related to marketing, branding, advertising, culture and global consumerism, in order to gain a better understanding of the role of marketing in our everyday lives, and the active role that brands play in our society - iconic vs. themed, authentic vs. simulated. Branding extends far beyond products to incorporate individual identity, personal and shared experiences, and the contemporary urban landscape. Products, communications, and environments speak to and influence lifestyles and identity. Marketing professionals, designers and architects infuse products and their spatial extensions with value. They connect with the consumer through strategies that utilize research, analysis, design and communication tools.
credit hours: 3

APEC 6100 Ethics, Efficacy and Architecture in the Globalized Economy
Ethics, Efficacy and Architecture in the Globalized Economy
The course is an interdisciplinary seminar, deliberately crossing the boundaries among theory, professional practice and pedagogical studies, and considering the significance for architecture of issues in economics, sociology, criminology, political science, and intellectual history. This broad scope is essential in addressing paradigms of value and action as they constitute ethical (or counter-ethical) models within architectural practice, education and criticism in an increasing globalized economy and professional context. We will examine the political economy of the relations between practitioners and critics, between publications and public relations, intellectual ethics and democratic practices.
credit hours: 3

APEC 6110 Studies in Contemporary Practice
Studies in Contemporary Practice
Taking a moderate, albeit speculative approach, this course focuses on the manifold internal and external contexts that inform architectural practice and education. These include the history and development of the profession and education practices, the role of technology, the impact of litigation and contemporary culture; economic ˜drivers' and wealth creation; management practices; the social underpinnings of architectural education and practice; and the various criteria pursuant to the mantle of ˜professional practitioner.' The course concludes with a significant case studies component, where those firms that exhibit a particular ˜typology' of practice are analyzed in light of the issues addressed over the course of the term.
credit hours: 3

APEC 6200 Legal Concerns of Architecture
Legal Concerns of Architecture
The legal aspects of architectural practice, including the rights and obligation of architects, their professional engineering consultants, owners, contractors, subcontractors, material men and suppliers, to one another and to third persons. The course includes specific topics such as professional registration, professional liability insurance, contract information, conditions of construction contracts, claims normally encountered and methods of dispute resolutions, lien rights and copyrights.
Notes: The general subject matter of this course forms part of state licensing examinations and is essential for practicing architects.
credit hours: 3

APEC 6300 Architects and Social Engagement
Architects and Social Engagement
A critical perspective is presented in relation to theories, goals, strategies, and skills needed to successfully develop criteria upon which buildings are planned, designed, evaluated, and modified across their life. Topics covered include the assessment of occupant and organizational needs, ethical concerns in architecture, imperatives for social engagement, the influence of culture and society, methods for involving clients and other constituencies in the development of performance criteria, the determination of square foot requirements, and conceptual narratives. Other topics covered include site and master planning, design guidelines, trade offs, pre-manufactured FEMA housing for disaster victims, post-occupancy evaluation (POE), strategic planning, sustainable design as it relates to social accountability in architecture, and the stewardship of the built environment as a finite resource.
credit hours: 3

APFC 4910 Architectural Branding
Architectural Branding
This seminar intends to analyze current trends in marketing and design through studying current media sources related to marketing, branding, advertising, culture and global consumerism, in order to gain a better understanding of the role of marketing in our everyday lives, and the active role that brands play in our society - iconic vs. themed, authentic vs.simulated. Branding extends far beyond products to incorporate individual identity, personal and shared experiences, and the contemporary urban landscape. Products, communications, and environments speak to and influence lifestyles and identity. Marketing professionals, designers and architects infuse products and their spatial extensions with value. They connect with the consumer through strategies that utilize research, analysis, design and communication tools.
credit hours: 3

SISE 2020 Introduction to Business Principles and Methods
Introduction to Business Principles and Methods
This course assumes no prior background in business concepts and is open to declared SISE minors who have completed SISE 2010. The course is designed to give students basic competence in understanding and analyzing the core elements of sustainable business models. Through this course, students will gain a working vocabulary, theoretical toolkit, and fundamental technical skillset for operating in a business environment. Topics include accounting, finance, strategy, marketing, sales, operations, organizational structure and management.
Notes: Not required for business majors or minors.
credit hours: 3

SISE 3010 Design Thinking for Collective Impact
Design Thinking for Collective Impact
This course is a practical, experience-based introduction to design-thinking tools and techniques for SISE undergraduate minors from diverse departments across campus. Students will be exposed to applied research, ideation and problem-solving tools adapted from human-centered design and architecture. Using New Orleans as a laboratory and working with local partners, students will creatively and collaboratively address local community concerns, leading to a prototype for installation in a neighborhood. In addition, readings, case studies, lectures, and writing exercises will allow students to learn from these local design-thinking experiences to more fruitfully address global problems, such as climate change, poverty, and the AIDS pandemic, that they aim to pursue in their program major and SISE practicum.
Notes: Not required for architecture majors or minors.
credit hours: 4

SISE 4000 Senior Practicum
Senior Practicum
The SISE senior practicum is a course that provides a context for SISE minors to apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired over their courses of study to the planning, development, completion, and evaluation of community-based or inspired project. Students will develop a senior practicum project plan in partnership with a faculty advisor. The final project will be presented to the SISE Committee and to the public. Project examples include:Creating a social enterprise,Launching an organization or movement with a social mission, Conducting community-based research, Producing a research paper, Making a documentary or book.
credit hours: 3

SISE 2010 Introduction to Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
The introductory class gives students an appreciation for the field of social entrepreneurship and introduces students to several helpful frameworks that will be used in subsequent classes. Students will examine key concepts and the historical context, understand current theories and debates about social change, and discuss case studies of social entrepreneurs. The class will address two overarching tenets of SISE: Social impact can best be created by moving away from the current divisive approach of separate sectors and towards blended models that connect and combine sectors in new ways Social mission and social impact are the primary focus - understanding what your mission is, and how you create the greatest social impact, is key.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 1010 Technological Systems I
Technological Systems I
Materials and Methods of Construction: Overview of the many systems that must be understood and applied in the design of buildings, including materials, methods of construction, and fundamentals of structure.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 1100 Technological Systems I
Technological Systems I
Materials and Methods of Construction: Overview of the many systems that must be understood and applied in the design of buildings, including materials, methods of construction, and fundamentals of structure.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 3100 Technological Systems II
Technological Systems II
Structural Systems: Concrete, wood, steel, and composite materials studied as framing systems. Compression and tension structures, dead and live loads, lateral and seismic loads; design and analysis of trusses, beams, columns, walls, and connections; shear wall and diaphragm systems; long and short span systems.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 3200 Technological Systems III
Technological Systems III
Environmental Systems: Climate responsive design, including. building envelope design, passive and mechanical cooling/heating, lighting, plumbing, acoustics, and life safety.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 3300 Material Paradoxes: Concrete and Glass
Material Paradoxes: Concrete and Glass
The seminar will involve hands on experiments with two widely used and paradoxical construction materials: concrete and glass. Students will be introduced to the basic chemical compositions and characteristics of these two materials and will study specific applications in contemporary architecture which demonstrate or allude to the paradoxical nature of these materials.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 3310 Materials and Techniques
Materials and Techniques
Through the course of several projects students will be introduced to the methods, tools and techniques of working with wood, metal, plaster, and plastics. This is a ˜hands-on' class with the intention of giving the student a basic understanding of the logic of making things from a practical perspective.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 4100 Integrated Technologies I:
Integrated Technologies I:
Advanced integrated topics in materials and methods of construction, structural systems, and environmental systems, taught through case study and analysis.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 4200 Integrated Technologies II:
Integrated Technologies II:
Comprehensive integration of building systems into building design.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 320.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 4320 URBANbuild: Management and Professional Practice
URBANbuild: Management and Professional Practice
As an integral component of the URBANbuild program, students design and construct a prototypical house for neighborhoods in partnership with community non-profit agencies that specialize in affordable housing and neighborhood redevelopment. With the leadership of highly qualified architectural design faculty, and under the supervision of a general contractor, students complete the full-scale management and construction of one single-family or multi-family home in an under served New Orleans neighborhood. In the construction phase, students gain first hand knowledge of the construction process including project management, field crew management, construction planning and strategizing, safety issues, fundraising, schedule coordination, archives/public relations, website development, materials research, budget, purchasing and inventory, engineering, working drawings coordination, and detail and specifications coordination. Students will be responsible for foundation, framing and all general construction tasks excluding special technical trades such as electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems which will be handled by licensed subcontractors.
Co-requisites: ATCS 632 and APFC 432.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 6300 Innovations In Building Materials and Methods
Innovations In Building Materials and Methods
A research seminar focusing on new materials and technologies being employed in current architectural practices locally, nationally, and globally. The seminar will be directed to gain insight and give exposure to little know or under utilized innovations through specific materials research and data gathering, case study applications research, and hands-on speculative testing/demonstration. Research will explore building components and tectonics, the material and spatial implications of computer technologies, prefabrication and mass production, as well as smart systems and green building. The course will be both practical and experimental in nature.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 6320 URBANbuild: Materials Research, Fabrication and Construction
URBANbuild: Materials Research, Fabrication and Construction
credit hours: 3-6

ATCS 6400 Sustainability and Tectonics
Sustainability and Tectonics
The course offers an opportunity to explore two major areas of building technology in greater depth. The first of these is sustainable design. While the concept of sustainable design is widely lauded, fundamental principles and techniques of implementation are less clearly understood. Sustainability will first be investigated regarding issues at the scale of the site, linking place and building. Subsequently sustainability at the scale of building systems and materials will be a major focus. The second focus of the course is tectonics, consideration of the physical conditions of architecture, including the logical application of materials and systems. These issues will be considered first in the relation between structure, envelope and finish conditions, particularly at the building perimeter. Subsequently, the interweaving of systems within the building and their expression will be the topic.
Notes: This course is an extension of the material from the required technology sequence, and the completion of that sequence is a prerequisite for admission to this course.
credit hours: 3

ATCS 6410 Implementing an Ecocentric Architecture
Implementing an Ecocentric Architecture
The seminar would pose the question, is it possible to make a non-anthropocentric architecture? This seminar attempts to define and develop a model of an ecocentric architecture, redefining the way we currently build against the backdrop of environmental issues and larger ecological imperatives. New Orleans and its environs will act as a laboratory to explore these ideas.
credit hours: 3

ASTP 2300 Architecture and Mysticism
Architecture and Mysticism
This is a survey and research course designed to investigate mystical qualities of both real and unreal architecture and of the architecture of magical and mystical places from antiquity to the present and beyond. Students will be required to present a major research project based on the element of mysticism as a design tool.
credit hours: 3

ASTP 2310 Architecture and Music
Architecture and Music
A survey and research course dealing with the relationship through the ages of architecture and music and how each one complements the other. Some special topics that will be investigated include proportion, acoustics, notation versus drawings, aural versus visual, structure, composition, harmony, musical buildings, architectural music, decoration and ornamentation. No musical training is required.
credit hours: 3

ASTP 3300 Architecture and Human Health
Architecture and Human Health
An interdisciplinary course exploring the complex relationships among architectural design, human well-being, and health. Emphasis is placed on the planning and maintenance of health care facilities. The course focuses on user-based planning and design methods.
credit hours: 3

RBST 3400 Design Urbanism
Design Urbanism
Though the use of seminal writings on urban design ideology presented by architects and historians in the 20th century such as Bacon, Lynch, Koolhaas and Gandelsonas, students will be challenged to consider these significant foundations in order to apply a broader awareness of urbanism to their own architectural design process. Concurrently, methodologies of research and analysis that employ both conceptual and intuitive systems of investigation will be exercised as a critical means of observing, documenting and communicating about the city and the architecture that contributes to its form.
credit hours: 3

RBST 3410 Interpretive Urban Design
Interpretive Urban Design
This course will examine the concept of interpretive issues within the traditional downtown urban design framework today. Interpretive issues within traditional city cores have become a major part of cultural, economic development in city design. Within the retrenchment of traditional downtown retail to suburban malls, cultural development has become a principle economic tool in re-establishing critical mass in the downtown.
credit hours: 3

RBST 3700 Neighborhood Development
Neighborhood Development
This course addresses the stalemate between preservationists and developers by inviting new players to a dialogue about how neighborhoods can grow and change. The course will explore ways to increase neighborhood participation in urban planning to build on creative resources and opportunities. The course will also expose students to the public, civic, business and neighborhood leaders involved in planning the city's environment and economy in order to learn the ways in which they function.
credit hours: 3

RBST 4300 Designs on Los Angeles: 20th-century Architecture, Urban Planning, and Metropolitan Imagery in the Making of America's Second Ci
Designs on Los Angeles: 20th-century Architecture, Urban Planning, and Metropolitan Imagery in the Making of America's Second Ci
Investigates the particular role that twentieth-century architecture and urban planning played in creating Los Angeles's current image as a pre-eminent metropolitan node of design arts. This course will establish political, economic, geographic, and ecological contexts for twentieth-century architecture and urban design in L. A. through the study of not only built works and executed plans, but also visionary, unrealized projects. These works of architecture and urbanism will be studied against the background of other contemporaneous modes of Los Angeles artistic endeavor in fiction, music, dance, graphic arts, photography, and film, as well as in landscape and garden design.
credit hours: 3

RBST 4400 Tribal New Orleans
Tribal New Orleans
This seminar course will introduce students not only to the urban history of New Orleans, but also to current theoretical perspectives on the writing (construction) of the histories of cities. New Orleans will be studied from the earliest European settlements in the metropolitan area (Bayou St. John and Bayou Gentilly), to the challenges of the present, highlighting topographical, economic, and social factors in the city's growth. Our broad interest will be the city's evolving urban form and its architectural dimensions, focusing on the distinct ways in which the city has provided an arena for constructing what some urban theorists have described as tribal identities through the shaping of the urban fabric. We will examine, therefore, the settlement patterns and built environments of French, Spanish, American, African American, Irish, German, Guatemalan, Vietnamese, and other residents in order to reflect upon social spatialization in the city and upon the city as a representation of the ever-changing society that constructs it.
credit hours: 3

RBST 6400 Architecture and the Contemporary City
Architecture and the Contemporary City
This seminar will examine the relationship between contemporary culture, urbanism, and the practice of architecture, and how the changing conditions of the contemporary city provoke responses in avant-garde practices. Various topics (Freedom and Control, Place and Placelessness, Superficiality, Synthetic Landscapes, Formlessness, Voids, Automatic Urbanism, Dematerialized Urbanism, etc.) will be studied as a way of exploring the changing nature of the contemporary city and how political and social transformations generate theoretical discourses on architecture and the city. Referencing art, film, and cultural criticism, we will investigate a series of hypotheses concerning the current and future context of architecture.
credit hours: 3

RBST 6410 Urban Analysis + Design
Urban Analysis + Design
The urban fabric, as a historical, collective form of architectural expression, is an integration of cultural artifacts and infrastructure: aesthetic, technological, environmental, social and political forms and systems that when overlaid, become a representation of the ideological structures of the societies that build and reside in them. This course will initially trace the history of the modern city as a backdrop to the investigation of contemporary urban positions that have emerged in the latter half of the 20th century including Archigram's nomadic cities, Venturi and Scott Brown's Las Vegas, Koolhaas's Delirious New York, Tschumi's Manhattan Transcripts, Eisenman's Cities of Artificial Excavation, and more contemporary examples such as the artificial landscapes of the Netherlands by West 8 and the IFCCA proposals for Manhattan's west side.
credit hours: 3

RBST 6420 US Architecture and Urbanism
US Architecture and Urbanism
Undertakes focused historical studies of selected urban environments to emphasize the contributions that architecture and urban design make to conceptions of place. We will ask how buildings and their urban contexts function in the formation of communal identities and in the expression of cultural values. We will interpret the concept urban' broadly to include settlement, village, town, city, suburb, megalopolis, and utopia. Students will not only examine the role of the prominent designers in shaping urban identities, but they will also analyze the significance of the vernacular built environment in creating images of place. Additional assigned readings of key critiques will provoke group discussion of vital contemporary issues, from the ideology of preservation, to the concept of regionalism, and to the philosophy of socially engaged design practice.This is a Service Learning course with approximately 30 hours of guided community service through a placement with the Preservation Resource Center.
credit hours: 3

RBST 6910 Latin American Cities
Latin American Cities
A study of the development of the major cities of Latin America and particularly on the role that architecture and urbanism played in creating images of colonial power and, later, urban modernity. Emphasizes selected Latin American cities that have experienced significant immigration after 1880 and in which questions of cultural identity have loomed large: Havana, Mexico City, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile, Lima, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires.
credit hours: 3

AVSM 1010 Visual Media I
Visual Media I
This course introduces students to various drawing techniques in a variety of media including freehand drawing, mechanical drawing techniques and model building. Students will also be introduced to descriptive geometry, and methods of orthographic, axonometric, oblique and conical projection drawing.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 110.
credit hours: 2

AVSM 1100 Visual Media I
Visual Media I
This course introduces students to various drawing techniques in a variety of media including freehand drawing, mechanical drawing techniques and model building. Students will also be introduced to descriptive geometry, and methods of orthographic, axonometric, oblique and conical projection drawing.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 110.
credit hours: 2

AVSM 1200 Visual Media II
Visual Media II
This course furthers students' abilities to conceptualize, represent and manipulate three-dimensional forms in space. Students will expand their repertoire of drawing and material techniques developed as tools for the design, construction and analysis of architectural form and space.
Co-requisites: Integrated with DSGN 120.
credit hours: 3

AVSM 3300 Advanced Freehand Drawing
Advanced Freehand Drawing
Drawing is not a talent, it is a willingness to pay attention. The talented succeed through a desire to be specific and precise, to convey a connection to, a feel for, that being observed. Drawings, like buildings, are the result of a process involving an understanding of structural and surface conditions, the role of geometry, and a sensitivity to the effects of light. Exercises involving freehand drawing develop attentiveness and engagement, with special emphasis on the development of a personal sketchbook.
credit hours: 3

AVSM 3400 Painting: Color and Light
Painting: Color and Light
The main emphasis in this introductory studio painting course will be on the interplay of color and light in still life painting. In order to translate these visual perceptions onto canvas in two dimensions, the course will focus on the basic principles of color theory, and the rudiments of composition through the study of the structure of painting by organizing line, plane, volume and space. The analysis of particular painters and their works will aid in the understanding of composition and augment the studio experience.
credit hours: 3

AVSM 3500 Cinematic Architecture/Digital Filmmaking
Cinematic Architecture/Digital Filmmaking
By viewing, critiquing, and making, students will explore the design process through visual thinking. The technology used in digital film making allows students to view, edit, and make a short digital film.
credit hours: 3

Tulane UniversityNew Orleans, LA