Required Freshman & Sophomore Courses:
Spring of Sophomore Year -Identify Computer Science Faculty member as
Advisor and in consultation with Faculty Advisor, choose three CMPS
courses at or above 3000 - level.
Junior Level Courses:
- CMPS 3110 Introduction to Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- CMPS 3120/6120 Special Topics
- CMPS 3130/6130 Introduction to Computational Geometry
- CMPS 3140/6140 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CMPS 3210/6210 Algorithms for Computational Structural Biology
- CMPS 3240/6240 Introduction to Machine Learning
- CMPS 3250/6250/MATH 3250/6250 Theory of Computation
- CMPS 3260/6260/MATH 3260/6260 Analysis of Algorithms
- CMPS 3280/6280/MATH 3280/6280 Information Theory
- CMPS 3300/6300 Software Studio
- CMPS 3310/6310 Logic in Computer Science
Spring of Junior Year -Student, Faculty Advisor, and primary Major
Advisor should select subject of student's capstone project. A proposal
outlining the project must be submitted to the computer science faculty
for approval.
Senior Level Courses:
- CMPS 4010/4020 Capstone Project
- CMPS 4150/6150 Advanced Topics of Artificial Intelligence
- CMPS 4230/6230 Advanced Computational Geometry
- CMPS 4250/6250 / MATH 4250/6250 Mathematical Foundations of Computer
- CMPS 4610 Algorithms
- CMPS 4620 Artificial Intelligence
- CMPS 4630 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- CMPS 4640 Computational Geometry
- CMPS 4710 Computational Complexity
- CMPS 4720 Machine Learning
- CMPS 4910/4920 Independent Study in Computer Science
- CMPS 4990/5000 Honors Thesis in Computer Science
The Computer Science coordinate major requires students to complete a two
- semester capstone project, CMPS 4010 and CMPS 4020