Engineering Physics courses

ENGP 1410 Statics
Statics of particles and rigid bodies. Concepts of force, moments, free body diagrams, equilibrium and friction with engineering applications.
Pre-requistites: PHYS 1310.
credit hours: 3

ENGP 2010 Electric Circuits
Electric Circuits
A fundamental course dealing with electric charge, current, voltage, power, energy, and passive and active circuit elements. Response of linear circuits to steady state and time dependent signals, differential equations, circuit laws, network analysis, frequency response, phasors, and transfer functions.
Pre-requistites: MATH 1220, PHYS 1320.
credit hours: 3
Electric Circuits

ENGP 2020 Computational Concepts and Applications
Computational Concepts and Applications
This course introduces students to the foundations of algorithm development and programming, the basics of matrix algebra, numerical analysis, and solving ordinary differential equations.
credit hours: 4
Computational Concepts and Applications

ENGP 2310 Product and Experimental Design
Product and Experimental Design
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the design process as they are starting their engineering studies. Through team projects geared toward translating bench research into product development, students will be challenged to begin thinking critically and applying physical fundamentals to complex systems. Weekly lectures will highlight phases of the design process, including problem identification, conceptual design, and early prototyping. Additionally, in the context of product and experimental design, students will gain experience with computer aided design and be provided an introduction to statistics. Course restricted to ENGP and PHYS majors, or by permission of the instructors.
credit hours: 3
Product and Experimental Design

ENGP 2420 Engineering Dynamics
Engineering Dynamics
Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies.  Work-energy and impulse-momentum methods applied to particles and rigid bodies.  Mechanical vibrations. 
Pre-requistites: MATH 1220 (Calculus II) and ENGP 1410 (Engineering Statics). 
credit hours: 3
Engineering Dynamics

ENGP 2430 Mechanics of Materials
Mechanics of Materials
Concepts of stress and strain. Generalized Hooke's Law. Mohr's circle. Formulations for axial, shear, bending, torsion, and combined stresses applied to tension members, pinned points, symmetric and unsymmetric beams, and shafts. Euler buckling criteria for columns.
Pre-requistites: ENGP 2410, MATH 1220.
credit hours: 3
Mechanics of Materials

ENGP 3120 Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
The structure and properties of engineering materials are considered. Coverage includes basic atomic and microscopic structure, testing methods, phase relationships, and strengthening techniques. Emphasis is placed on common industrial materials. Thermodynamics and kinetics aspects of material science are discussed.
Pre-requistites: CHEM 1070, CHEM 1080, PHYS 1310, PHYS 1320, MATH 2210.
credit hours: 3
Materials Science and Engineering

ENGP 3170 Computational Physics and Engineering
Computational Physics and Engineering
An introduction to the use of computational methods in physics and engineering. Writing computer code and using data visualization techniques to solve experimental and theoretical problems. Data analysis and modeling, Monte Carlo simulations, numerical differentiation and integration, ordinary and partial differential equations, electrostatics, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, fast Fourier transform, noisy signal processing, quantum spectra, thermodynamics.
Pre-requistites: PHYS 2350 and MATH 2210 or 2240.
credit hours: 3
Computational Physics and Engineering

ENGP 3230 Quantum Information Science and Engineering
Quantum Information Science and Engineering
This survey course introduces students to the new world of quantum information, quantum communication, and quantum computing. The course is intended for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in physics, engineering, and mathematics. Topics include: Quantum states, operators, and linear algebra; Bits and qubits; Ensembles and density operators; Unitary transformations; Gates and circuits; Information and entropy; POVM measurement; Multipartite systems; Bell inequality, Bell states, and non-locality; Measures of entanglement; Quantum communication and cryptography; Teleportation; Superdense coding; Quantum noise and error correction; Classical and quantum computational complexity; Quantum algorithms: Deutsch-Jozsa, Grover, Shor; DiVincenzo criteria; Physical realizations of quantum computers: trapped ions, solid state qubits; Quantum optics and quantum internet; Topological quantum computation; Quantum biology. 
credit hours: 3
Quantum Information Science and Engineering

ENGP 3410 Summer Internship I
Summer Internship I
Industrial internship normally taken in the summer following the third year of study. Course work taken in the Spring semester of the third year of study.
credit hours: 3
Summer Internship I

ENGP 3420 Summer Internship II
Summer Internship II
Industrial internship normally taken in the summer following the third year of study. Course work taken in the Fall semester of the fourth year of study.
credit hours: 3
Summer Internship II

ENGP 3530 Advanced Laboratory
Advanced Laboratory
Advanced experiments in modern physics and engineering, particularly nuclear physics and engineering, emphasizing research techniques and analysis of data using computers.
Pre-requistites: PHYS 2350 or approval of instructor.
credit hours: 3
Advanced Laboratory

ENGP 3600 Nanoscience and Technology
Nanoscience and Technology
Nanoscience and technology is often branded the science of the 21st century. It has been promised that nanotechnology will have similar stimulating effects on the world's economy and society as the industrial-and microelectronics- revolution. Nanoscience is an interdisciplinary effort with the aim to manipulate and control matter at length scales down to single molecules and atoms and thus to create materials and devices with novel properties. With diminishing dimensions material properties are being governed by quantum mechanics. The description and exploitation of quantum phenomena in novel devices is the quintessence of nanophysics. Consequently, the main emphasis of this course is to give an overview of the physics of low dimensional solid state systems. This course is supplementary to courses in solid state physics and surface science but can be taken independently.
Pre-requistites: PHYS 2350.
credit hours: 3
Nanoscience and Technology

ENGP 3700 Electronic Properties of Materials
Electronic Properties of Materials
Quantum physics, electronics and energy bands in crystals, electronic transport in materials, photoconductivity, Hall effect, quantum Hall effect, superconductors and their applications, magnetic properties of material and their applications, thermal properties of materials and dielectric properties of materials.
Pre-requistites: PHYS 2350/2360 or instructor approval.
credit hours: 3
Electronic Properties of Materials

ENGP 3880 Writing Practicum
Writing Practicum
Notes: Does not count toward Engineering Physics courses or electives for the Engineering Physics major.
Pre-requistites: Successful completion of the First-Year Writing Requirement.
credit hours: 3
Writing Practicum

ENGP 3910 Special Topics in Engineering Physics
Special Topics in Engineering Physics
Special topics in Engineering Physics depending upon faculty and student interest. 
credit hours: 3
Special Topics in Engineering Physics

ENGP 4310 Team Design Project and Professional Practice I
Team Design Project and Professional Practice I
Design project taken in the fourth year of study with student teams. Advanced treatment of engineering design principles and an introduction to manufacturing processes. Students are presented with a product specification, and they must prepare a preliminary proposal, form a project team and develop a suitable design.
Pre-requistites: ENGP 2020, 2310, or approval of instructor.
credit hours: 3
Team Design Project and Professional Practice I

ENGP 4320 Team Design Project and Professional Practice II
Team Design Project and Professional Practice II
Design project taken in the fourth year of study with student teams. Continuation of ENGP 4310.
Notes: Capstone requirement for majors.
Pre-requistites: ENGP 4310 or approval of instructor.
credit hours: 3
Team Design Project and Professional Practice II

ENGP 4400 Music and Digital Signal Processing
Music and Digital Signal Processing
This course will introduce the student to the breadth and depth of signal processing used in musical applications. The course will cover fundamentals of signal processing and familiarize the student with classic computer music theories as well as state-of-the art topics for sound synthesis, analysis, and composition.
credit hours: 3
Music and Digital Signal Processing

ENGP 4410 Music Performance Systems
Music Performance Systems
This course is a HCI (Human Computer Interface)-based course with a concentration in musical applications.  The course will be hands-on, writing code, building circuits with conjunction of microcontrollers and sensors. 
credit hours: 3
Music Performance Systems

ENGP 4891 Service Learning: ENGP 4320
Service Learning: ENGP 4320
credit hours: 0
Service Learning: ENGP 4320

ENGP 4910 Independent Studies
Independent Studies
Pre-requistites: Approval of instructor and chair of department.
credit hours: 2
Independent Studies

ENGP 4920 Independent Studies
Independent Studies
Pre-requistites: Approval of instructor and chair of department.
credit hours: 3
Independent Studies

ENGP H4910 Independent Studies
Independent Studies
Pre-requistites: Approval of instructor and chair of department.
credit hours: 3
Independent Studies

ENGP H4920 Independent Studies
Independent Studies
Pre-requistites: Approval of instructor and chair of department.
credit hours: 3
Independent Studies

ENGP H4990 Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis
Notes: Open only to candidates for honors degrees with departmental approval.
credit hours: 3
Honors Thesis

ENGP H5000 Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis
Notes: Open only to candidates for honors degrees with departmental approval.
credit hours: 3
Honors Thesis