EDUC 3500 Methods I -- Early Childhood Education -- Language Arts and Social Studies
Methods I -- Early Childhood Education -- Language Arts and Social Studies
This course will assist prospective teachers in gaining a valid and comprehensive knowledge of what is involved in early childhood language arts, social studies, and arts instruction. Emphasis is placed upon reflection, inquiry, and personal involvement in planning an effective and successful career in early childhood, and developing an understanding of how children develop and learn successfully. Current trends, issues, developmental theories, research, and teaching methods related to the education of young children in language arts, social studies, and the arts will be explored and applied through fifty hours of field-based experiences. Undergraduate education students must also register for the within course service learning/practicum component EDUC 3890-11.
Pre-requistites: EDLA 2000, EDLA 2890 or EDUC 3250, PSYC 3210, EDUC 3000, EDUC 3801 and 3810.
credit hours: 3