EBIO 3690 Experimental Animal Behavior
Experimental Animal Behavior
This course provides students the opportunity to design, implement, write-up, and present an independent research project related to animal behavior .Research will be conducted on live animals at the Audubon Zoo or Audubon Park. The course will emphasize general principles of literature review and synthesis; experimental design; the collection; organization and analysis of data; and written and oral presentation of results. The course consists of 3 hours of laboratory per week (at the park or zoo) and 2 hours of seminar per week (on campus). This course fulfills the Newcomb-Tulane intensive writing requirement. This course serves as an elective for the SISE minor and fulfills the upper tier Service Learning Requirement.
Pre-requistites: EBIO 2020, Junior or Senior Standing or instructor approval. EBIO 3040 (General Ecology), EBIO 3080 (Processes of Evolution), EB
credit hours: 4