EBIO 2130 Introduction to Animal Behavior
Introduction to Animal Behavior
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction for majors and non-majors to the field of animal behavior using an evolutionary approach. The course will begin with an introduction to the application of the scientific method to the study of behavior (levels of analysis, hypothesis testing and Darwinian theory). Topics that will follow include the ontogeny (development) of behavior, neuronal and hormonal control of behavior, foraging and anti-predator behavior, habitat selection, migration, communication, reproductive behavior, mating systems, parental care, the evolution of social behavior, and the evolution of human behavior. The course emphasizes a practical understanding of animal behavior and will focus on developing the skills needed for upper-level behavior courses in EBIO.
Pre-requistites: EBIO 1010, EBIO 1015, CELL 1010.
credit hours: 3