CMPS 3300/6300 Software Studio

CMPS 3300/6300 Software Studio
Software Studio
This is a course on fundamentals of software development and software engineering. Working in teams, students apply a recognized software engineering methodology, a modern programming language and software development tools (including an IDE, debugger, version control system, and testing framework) to design and implement a semester-long project – a software solution for a real-world problem. In addition to code for the team project and individual homework assignments, students prepare written reports and deliver presentations. Major non-coding assignments include a requirements specification and feasibility analysis document, a technical manual and a user's manual for the final version of the product, presentations of the design versions and implementations, and a public presentation of the final product and design process.
Pre-requistites: CMPS 1600, CMPS 2200 or approval of instructor.
credit hours: 3