ARHS 3872 Art of the African Diaspora, c. 1925 to Present

ARHS 3872 Art of the African Diaspora, c. 1925 to Present
Art of the African Diaspora, c. 1925 to Present
Does it necessarily make sense to consider the work of artist of African descent together as a unit (in other words, should this course exist?)? What persistent themes, issues, and debates inform the work by African diaspora artist? What makes art "Black" (or "African" or "African American")? Is an artist of African descent necessarily a "Black artist"? Do artist of African descent have a particular obligation to make artwork that advances a black cultural or political agenda? Is not doing so in and of itself a political statement? How might a landscape or Abstract Expressionist work be racially charged? How do vectors of identity other than race inform the work of African diaspora artist? How does the artwork studied in this course fit into the context of other art histories? Through these questions and others, this course explores the major themes and issues that have occupied artists of African descent as well as examines individual artists' motivations and intentions.
Notes: Counts as an elective in ADST
credit hours: 3