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School of Science and Engineering201 Lindy Boggs Website: tulane.edu/sse Nicholas J. Altiero Gary L. McPherson Janet B. Ruscher Beth E. F. Wee MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of the Tulane University School of Science and Engineering is to provide outstanding opportunities for learning and discovery in science and engineering and to foster an environment that is student focused, research intensive, trans-disciplinary, entrepreneurial, and responsive to the needs of society and the community. INTRODUCTIONThe School of Science and Engineering consists of ten departments and two programs.
PROGRAMS OF STUDYThe School of Science and Engineering offers three degrees at the undergraduate level, the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.), the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); and two graduate degrees, the Master of Science (M.S.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Students seeking a degree from the School of Science and Engineering must have a primary major offered by the school. Students may major or minor in a second program in addition to the primary major; however, special programs such as teacher certification and ROTC are not major or minor programs and are undertaken in addition to a major program. To qualify for graduation, a student must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum, of the school specific core and of the major program and meet the residency and quality of work requirements of the Newcomb-Tulane College. DEGREESThe School of Science and Engineering offers the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) degree in the following programs: Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Engineering Physics The School of Science and Engineering offers the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in the following programs: Biological Chemistry Cell and Molecular Biology Chemistry Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Environmental Biology Environmental Science Geology Mathematics Neuroscience Physics Psychology The School offers the Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) in Computer Science as a Coordinate Major with any other stand-alone major offered by Newcomb-Tulane College. The School offers the Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) in Psychology and Early Childhood Development. The School offers the Master of Science (M.S.) degree in the following programs: Biomedical Engineering Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Chemistry Computational Science Earth and Environmental Sciences Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Environmental Biology Mathematics Neuroscience Physics Psychology The School offers the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the following programs: Biology, Cell and Molecular track Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary track Biomedical Engineering Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Chemistry Earth and Environmental Sciences Interdisciplinary Mathematics Neuroscience Physics Psychology UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMSSchool Specific Core CurriculumStudents seeking the B.A. should complete all the degree requirements as described in the School of Liberal Arts section. Students seeking a B.S. should satisfy all core requirements as outlined in the Newcomb-Tulane College section o and meet the school-specific and major requirements in this section. Students seeking a B.S.E. should satisfy all core requirements except that of Foreign Language as outlined in the Newcomb-Tulane College section and meet the school-specific and major requirements in this section. Mathematics and ScienceCandidates for the B.S. and B.S.E. degrees in the School of Science and Engineering must take a minimum of 32 credits of science and mathematics selected from at least two different disciplines: cell and molecular biology, chemistry, ecology and evolutionary biology, earth and environmental sciences, mathematics, neuroscience, physics and psychology. At least one of these courses must include a laboratory. A minimum of six credits of mathematics is required. Any two Mathematics courses numbered 1210 and above may be used to satisfy this requirement. However the combination of MATH 1150 and MATH 1160 may count as one course toward this requirement. Students may satisfy all, or part, of the requirement with the appropriate AP scores (s). A score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement AB exam earns credit for MATH 1210. A score of 3 on the BC exam together with a score of 4 or 5 on the AB subsection of the BC exam earns credit for MATH 1210. A score of 4 or 5 on the BC exam earns credit for MATH 1210 and 1220. Departments may recommend, or require, particular mathematics or science courses for their majors, and students are advised to consult the major department's listing in this catalog. Candidates for the B.A. degree (Psychology and Early Childhood Education) follow the School of Liberal Arts Core. Writing Intensive RequirementStudents may satisfy this requirement by taking one course designated as "writing-intensive" in the course schedule. Alternatively, with the approval of the instructor and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs of the School of Science and Engineering, a student may take a course that does not carry the "writing intensive" designation but that fits the criteria of the requirement. The student should submit a petition to the Associate Dean and, upon approval, will be added to a writing intensive course, SCEN 3880. Completion of the first-year writing competency requirement is a prerequisite to enrollment in a writing intensive course. Additional Requirements for Engineering MajorsStudents majoring in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering and engineering physics must take an additional six credits (for a total of 18 credits) of humanities, fine arts and social sciences. Major Component A student enrolled in the School of Science and Engineering must select a major offered by the school no later than the beginning of a student's fourth semester of college study. UNDERGRADUATE SPECIAL PROGRAMSSelf-Designed MajorsA student with a 3.000 cumulative grade-point average may construct a major program by grouping courses from different academic departments. Such self-designed majors must include at least 10 courses, more than half of which must be at the 3000 level or above; no more than two courses below the 3000 level may be taken in any one department. A student wishing approval of a self-designed major must prepare a proposal including the title of the major, courses, rationale, and appropriate departmental approval. This proposal must be submitted for review to the associate dean of the School of Science and Engineering before the end of the student's sixth semester. As these proposals often require revision and resubmission, they should be submitted earlier than this deadline. Second Majors and MinorsStudents in the School of Science and Engineering may elect to complete a second major. They must complete all courses for each major and a total of at least 18 different courses in the two majors. At least half of the coursework required for majors must be completed at Tulane University, and students must have a grade point average of at least 2.000 in all coursework applied to the major. Students who satisfy the requirements for two majors in the School of Science and Engineering will receive one bachelor's degree, and their transcript will reflect that a double major has been completed. Second majors from an outside division are subject to the conditions set by requirements for that major as designated by the home division or department. Science and engineering students also may pursue one or two minors. The minor is intended to give structure to the study of a secondary field of interest chosen by the student. Students must complete at least 24 credits in their major that do not overlap with the minor. Students who elect to complete the requirements for a minor must earn a grade-point average of at least 2.000 in courses counting toward that minor. No courses counting toward the student's first minor will count toward the student's second minor. Individual departments may have additional restrictions on major-minor overlap. Students should consult the department listings for additional information. Internships for Academic CreditSome departments offer internships for academic credit as part of the major. An internship combines a relevant academic component with experiential learning. The academic component may, for example, consist of a term paper, a number of short papers, or discussions of a number of books. Internships ordinarily are open only to those students completing a major in the department that will award the credit. Students participating in internships register for Internship Studies (course numbers 4560, 4570) within the appropriate department after having made initial arrangements with a professor who will sponsor the internship. Registration is completed in the academic department sponsoring the internship. A student may not take a salaried position outside the university while earning credit for an internship, except where such an arrangement is required by the cooperating organization for insurance purposes. If a student must take a salaried position for this reason, a letter to this effect from the cooperating organization must be filed with the chair of the sponsoring department prior to the end of the add period. Only one internship may be completed each semester. Students may earn a maximum of six credits for internships. The sponsoring professor will assign a grade for the internship at the close of the semester after evaluating its academic and experiential aspects. Internships offered through Science and Engineering departments are open only to juniors and seniors in good standing. An alternative internship experience is offered to students through Newcomb- Tulane College. This internship was created to accommodate students seeking internships with organizations which require that interns earn credit for their experience. INTR 1990 carries one credit, which will apply toward the degree but will not apply toward any core curriculum, major, or minor requirement. Only one credit of INTR 1990 may be applied toward the degree. INTR 1990 must be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis. Students who have completed fewer than 30 credits may not register for this course. Students desiring to register for INTR 1990 must receive approval from the Associate Dean of the Newcomb-Tulane College before registering for the course. GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMSStudents at Tulane University may pursue a Master of Science (M.S.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in the School of Science and Engineering of Tulane University. The M.S. degree is awarded with a minimum of 24 credit hours plus a thesis. With approval, a student in some disciplines may also elect to pursue a non-thesis M.S. that requires a minimum of 30 credit hours. The Ph.D. degree is awarded with a minimum of 48 credit hours plus a dissertation. The 4+1 Master's program allows students in the School of Science and Engineering to complete the requirements for both the bachelor's and master's degree in five years. Some summer research work may be required for the timely completion of the program. All doctoral students must demonstrate competence in teaching as part of the requirements for a graduate degree. This requirement must be fulfilled regardless of whether or not the student receives financial support from the university. The form of teaching experience can vary with the individual, and may consist of teaching, recitation sections, teaching laboratory courses, grading papers, presentation of seminars, etc. If candidates for an advanced degree at other universities wish to receive graduate credit for courses to be taken at Tulane, they should secure approval from authorities in the home institution. The student should then apply for admission as a special graduate student (non-degree) in the School of Science and Engineering. An individual who does not desire to pursue a degree at the present time also may apply for admission as a special student, but if the student decides at a later date to work toward a graduate degree in the School of Science and Engineering, no more than 15 credits taken on a non-degree or provisional basis may be applied toward the degree. AdmissionsApplicants holding the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in mathematics, science or engineering or a related field from recognized institutions may be admitted to the graduate program of the School of Science and Engineering if their academic records and personal attributes indicated ability to pursue advanced study successfully. Students must present to the appropriate department satisfactory evidence of adequate preparation for the subjects in which they seek to specialize. Ordinarily, only students whose undergraduate average is B or above are admitted. Students required to make up undergraduate course deficiencies before being admitted to the graduate program of the School of Science and Engineering may be asked to enroll in an undergraduate program as special students. Graduate credit is not awarded for courses taken to make up deficiencies. A master's degree is not a prerequisite for study for the doctorate, but a student may be required to qualify for the master's degree while working toward the doctorate. Financial Aid and ScholarshipsThe School of Science and Engineering awards financial support for graduate students primarily on the basis of academic merit. For full-time students, financial assistance is available in the form of teaching assistantships, research assistantships, fellowships as well as partial and full tuition scholarships. GRADUATE ACADEMIC REGULATIONSRegistration RequirementTo maintain full time status all graduate students must enroll for a minimum of 9 credit hours in the Fall Semester and a minimum of 9 credit hours in the Spring Semester (or equivalent). Ph.D. and M.S. with thesis students must enroll for a minimum of 3 credit hours of "Masters Research"or 3 credits of "Dissertation Research"during the Summer Semester. Ph.D. and M.S. with thesis students who have completed all of their required course work must maintain continuous enrollment and enroll for 3 credit hours of "Master's Research" or 3 credit hours of "Dissertation Research," whichever is applicable, each semester until all degree requirements are complete.
Course CreditsGraduate work is measured in terms of credits. A credit represents a measurement of academic progress in terms of work undertaken and satisfactorily completed and is not specifically related to an hour concept for class lecture or recitation. For purposes of evaluating graduate transfer credit, in most cases a credit is equal to a semester hour. Grades and Grade PointsThe same grading system is used throughout Tulane University. A course in which a grade of C+ or less is earned cannot be counted toward a graduate degree in the School of Science and Engineering. Conferring of DegreesA student who has completed all of the requirements for a degree will have that degree conferred at the annual spring commencement, in May. Degrees are also conferred at the close of the fall semester in December and at the close of Summer School, in mid-August. Transfer CreditIn general, up to 12 transfer credits may be accepted toward a master's degree, and up to 24 transfer credits may be accepted toward the doctorate. Only grades of B or better will be considered for transfer credit. The courses must be graduate courses, which were taken while the student was classified as a graduate student and after all requirements for the bachelor's degree have been met. The appropriate department and the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs must approve credit for graduate work done at other institutions. The decision concerning the acceptance of all transfer credit to the record of a graduate student will not be made until after the student has completed at least one semester of successful study in the School of Science and Engineering. Students ordinarily must complete the requirements for the doctorate within seven years from the original date of registration. Only in unusual cases, and with the approval of the department chair and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs will credit be approved for courses taken more than six years before the date of the general or preliminary examination. Credit for 6000-level courses taken by a senior undergraduate beyond the credits needed for an undergraduate degree at Tulane University and passed with a grade of B or better may be transferred to a graduate degree program in the School of Science and Engineering on the recommendation of the Department Chair and with the approval of the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs. Normally, no more than 12 credits should be earned before admission to a graduate program. These credits may not be counted toward requirements for the bachelor's degree. Transfer Between ProgramsTo transfer from one graduate program to another offered by the School of Science and Engineering, a student must submit an application for admission to the new program. Transferring students must fulfill any obligations they have incurred in the first program prior to receiving their degrees from the second programs. The Department Chair and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs will determine whether credit from the initial program can be applied toward a degree in the new program. Required Withdrawal, Probation and DismissalA student may be required to withdraw from any course or from the university, temporarily or permanently, for any of the following reasons:
A minimum grade point average of 3.00 (B) must be maintained by all students to remain in good standing in any graduate degree program. Students whose grade point average falls below 3.00 will be considered for a probationary semester in consultation with the chair of the appropriate department. Students who receive a grade below B- or two grades of B- will also be considered for probation in consultation with the chair of the appropriate department. The terms of the probation are determined by the department chair, in consultation with the Dean or designate. Students who fail to meet the terms of their probation in two consecutive semesters will be required to withdraw from the program. Students are subject to dismissal in consultation with the appropriate department if they receive two grades below B- in a given semester. Two grades of B- are considered equivalent to one grade below B-. If a student becomes subject to dismissal during the semester in which other graduation requirements are met, the student will be excluded and will not receive the degree. Courses with grades below B- may not be used to meet degree requirements. It is the department's responsibility to report to the Dean any student not making reasonable progress toward the degree. The School of Science and Engineering and the University reserve the right to deny admission to any applicant or to forbid any student's continued enrollment without assignment of reason; to change any of its rules, courses, regulations, and charges without notice, and to make such changes applicable to students already registered as well as to new students. AWARDSAlpha Eta Mu Beta Award AICHE Awards William L. Alworth Prize in Biological Chemistry The American Chemical Society Award Stuart S. Bamforth Prize Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Outstanding Achievement
Award Biomedical Engineering Society Scholarship Award Chevron Undergraduate Award Glendy Burke Medals were established in 1848 (oratory) and 1879 (mathematics) by Glendy Burke. They are awarded for excellence in the fields of speech and mathematics. Fred R. Cagle Memorial Prize was established in 1981 in memory of Professor Cagle, a former chair of the Department of Zoology. The prize is awarded for outstanding achievement in ecology and evolutionary biology, taking into consideration the student's academic record, difficulty of academic program completed, and the likelihood of a substantial contribution to scholarship in integrative biology. The Cell and Molecular Biology Prize Chairman's Award The Department of Chemistry Award for Excellence in Undergraduate
Research Nissim Nathan Cohen Memorial Award Elsie Field Dupré Memorial Prize in Physics Liz Earley Prize in Cell and Molecular Biology Professor Erik G. Ellgaard Award for Excellence in Cell and
Molecular Biology Arnold Gerall Award in Neuroscience Kappa Kappa Gamma Prize in Mathematics Gerald E. Gunning Memorial Award Gerald S. Gussack Award Rosa Cahn Hartman Medal Aaron Hartman Award Honors Thesis Award in Cell and Molecular Biology Kenneth H. Kuhn, Sr. Memorial Award Senior The Joseph J. Kyame Physics Award Terry Lawson Prize in Mathematics Anne M. McPherson Award in Psychology Merck Index Awards The Barbara E. Moely Award for Application of Psychology National Society of Black Engineers The Neuroscience Faculty Award New Orleans Geological Society Memorial Foundation Scholarships Omega Chi Epsilon Award Randall K. Nichols Award Ann Hero Northrup Prize in Chemistry (Junior or Senior) Phi Beta Phi Award James Marshall Robert Leadership Award ROTC Awards Leon H. Scherck Memorial Award Sigma Gamma Epsilon Prize R. A. Steinmayer Award Francis M. Taylor Award Joyous and William Van Buskirk Scholarship Award Daniel H. Vliet Award Harold E. Vokes Award The Zoology Prize |