MUSC 2420 World Musics
World Musics
An overview of the field of ethnomusicology and the types of issues and concerns that have guided the research of world music within that field. A number of selected musical case studies from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas that illuminate the differences and similarities between Western musics and their counterparts in other parts of the world. Particular interest will be given to the way in which cultural, social, and religious beliefs have informed stylistic, performance practice, and aesthetic development in other parts of the world as a means of reflecting about the same types of connections in Western music.
Notes: Primarily for music majors and minors.
Pre-requistites: MUSC 2010 and APMS 2090 (or their equivalent), or permission of instructor.
Co-requisites: MUSC 2020 and APMS 2100 (or their equivalent), or permission of instructor.
credit hours: 3