LING 3000 Language Revitalization: The case of Tunica, Louisiana's Sleeping Language

LING 3000 Language Revitalization: The case of Tunica, Louisiana's Sleeping Language
Language Revitalization: The case of Tunica, Louisiana's Sleeping Language
Tulane has been collaborating with the Tunica tribe of Louisiana to bring back their language, the last speaker, Sesostrie Youchigant having died over fifty years ago. This course addresses the processes of language death, as well as methods and initiatives for language revitalization. Students will learn effective second language teaching methods and elementary Tunica. They will then apply what they have learned, serving as teaching assistants during the tribe's Language Summer Camp. The Tunica tribe will host the course in Marksville for the week of the Summer Camp. This course counts as a second tier service learning course.
credit hours: 3