INBS 3100 International Business Management
International Business Management
This course deals with the management of global expansion and strategy of firms. To be successful in global business ventures, managers must be prepared to experience the complexity of operating in an international context. This requires an understanding of how the world political and economic systems operate as well as how the unique challenges of different business cultures and institutions affect the development and implementation of business strategies. This course introduces the student to some of the special cases presented by the international context for management of human resources, international finance, global operations, international team building and leadership, and for business strategy.
Notes: During the 2013-2014 academic year, this course will be offered in some of the Freeman semester/summer aboard programs only.
Pre-requistites: ECON 1010, ECON 1020, PSYC 1000, MATH 1150 and 1160 or MATH 1210, and MATH 1140; sophomore standing.
credit hours: 3