ENRG 4200 Energy Fundamentals and Trading

ENRG 4200 Energy Fundamentals and Trading
Energy Fundamentals and Trading
This course will cover the fundamentals of energy production, transportation, refining and related marketing and trading activities. Structure of physical and financial markets, risk management practices, and portfolio modeling will be covered. The course will include interactive trading in the university's new state-of-the-art trading facility, which will focus on the futures market of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) to test student developed trading strategies, mark-to-market models, options and risk management tactics used in today's fast-paced energy trading environment.
Notes: This course cannot be used as one of the three required finance electives towards the finance major. This course an be used as a business elective or free elective towards the BSM degree.
Pre-requistites: INFO 3010, FINE 3010; junior standing or above
credit hours: 3