EDUC 6950 Internship in Secondary Education (6-12)
Internship in Secondary Education (6-12)
The year-long internship (2 semesters) is the capstone course of the Tulane's Teacher Preparation and Certification Program and occurs the year following the completion of the first 24 hours of professional coursework. The candidate must blend theory and practice in the actual activity of teaching all day. Students will attend a series of seminars and conduct an action research project directly related to their teaching assignment. Candidates must be hired as a full-time teacher in a school system and will be under the supervision of a mentor teacher at the school site as well as university faculty. Candidates who have completed at least three years of classroom teaching may be eligible for a waiver from this final clinical.
Pre-requistites: Completion of baccalaureate degree, completion of all education courses, passage of Praxis II (Content Area) and approval of program director. Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching (#0624 OR 5624) may be taken during the internship.
credit hours: 3