EBIO 4980 Contemporary Ecology and Evolutionary Biology II (Capstone)
Contemporary Ecology and Evolutionary Biology II (Capstone)
This is the senior capstone experience for departmental majors. Under faculty supervision, students select a research topic in ecology and evolutionary biology, write an expository paper on that topic, and give an oral presentation of their findings. Students also attend departmental research seminars and meet to discuss contemporary issues in ecology and evolutionary biology. EBIO 4970-4980 are required of all departmental majors, and both courses must be completed to receive credit for the capstone experience. EBIO 4970 is offered each fall, and EBIO 4980 is offered each spring. EBIO H5000 Honors Thesis may be substituted for or taken in addition to EBIO 4980 in the spring semester.
Pre-requistites: EBIO 3040/3045, 3080, 4970 and senior standing or approval of the instructor.
credit hours: 3