BMEN 4890 Service Learning: Beyond Design

BMEN 4890 Service Learning: Beyond Design
Service Learning: Beyond Design
The required BMEN 4030/4040 design sequence is centered on the design and construction of a device or system to assist an individual with a disability or a group servicing such individuals. As an option, students may choose to supplement their interaction with their clients with a service learning component that follows Tulane's guidelines for service learning courses and specifically requires: Completing at least 40 hours in a community setting during the semester; keeping a journal of weekly activities that will allow the student to describe and evaluate his/her experiences with the activity; and creating a product that can be evaluated as part of the course grade (e.g., a review paper on an issue relevant to the service activity, or some product of value to the site).
Pre-requistites: Approval of instructor.
Co-requisites: BMEN 4030 or 4040.
credit hours: 1