ATCS 4320 URBANbuild: Management and Professional Practice

ATCS 4320 URBANbuild: Management and Professional Practice
URBANbuild: Management and Professional Practice
As an integral component of the URBANbuild program, students design and construct a prototypical house for neighborhoods in partnership with community non-profit agencies that specialize in affordable housing and neighborhood redevelopment. With the leadership of highly qualified architectural design faculty, and under the supervision of a general contractor, students complete the full-scale management and construction of one single-family or multi-family home in an under served New Orleans neighborhood. In the construction phase, students gain first hand knowledge of the construction process including project management, field crew management, construction planning and strategizing, safety issues, fundraising, schedule coordination, archives/public relations, website development, materials research, budget, purchasing and inventory, engineering, working drawings coordination, and detail and specifications coordination. Students will be responsible for foundation, framing and all general construction tasks excluding special technical trades such as electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems which will be handled by licensed subcontractors.
Co-requisites: ATCS 632 and APFC 432.
credit hours: 3